Tuesday, May 18, 2010

MAC - Lady GaGa

I'm a massive fan of MAC it's the best make-up I've ever used and I love this video of Lady GaGa that she has done for them.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I ♥ Utah Boys

I want to go because I served the cutest guy ever from there, he was so awkward and geeky but hot and adorable. Checked his I.D because he was buying lots of beer, didn't pick up his name but saw he was from Utah.

So, in my quest to find a babe (or just hunt down this hot geek) I want to go to Utah!!

So where is Utah...I knew it was in America and far away from New York...

You see where it says Salt Lake City....That's where I wanna be!

From what I can gather National Parks are pretty much the only thing going on in Utah...Good thing I like scenery right? Me and the babe can walk around for days and days.

If only huh?!!!

I shall have to let my love with the hot geek I saw before me rest.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Money blown on dem hoes

I've pretty much spent all of my money, lucky for me I should have some freelance payments coming my way in the next few days if not then I just have under £80 for just under 3 weeks...HI MUM AND DAD CAN I BORROW SOME MONEY PLEASE?! I hate doing that but I'm a good daughter and well, I need to travel to and from work...!

I'm casually just sitting here at the moment feeling pretty bloody good, working from home for the make-up brand I'm involved with and testing out my new camera which I got from play.com for half price, hola.

Pretty much love this Brow kit from Benefit, I've recently become pretty obsessed with my eyebrows as I do believe that if you shape and look after them well it frames your whole face perfectly well as perfect as it can be with my rather off beat features.

This comes with:

♥ Brow zings powder (light) 1.10g
♥ Brow zings powder (dark) 1.10g
♥ Brow zings wax 0.90g
♥ Smokin' liner 0.39g
♥ Eye bright 0.90g
♥ Brow highlighter powder 1.10g
♥ Mini tweezers
♥ Hard angle/talent brush
♥ Step-by-step lesson

I really like the Eye bright, I'm terrible I'm awake all night and up at 6/7am most days that I always look really tired and not with it...This really helps to brighten my eyes and look more alert. Once this 'sample' has finished I will defiantly be buying the larger product.

I look like I'm about to be sick.

If you know me well or just briefly know me from catching my tweets you will know I have a little pup pup called Rory who I completely love, he's so much fun and he always keeps me warm and content when I'm lonely (which working from home alot happens!) x

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Healthy Life

Having a week off has been lovely but I've still got so much work to do.
As much as I love the internet it's been good getting off it I must say!

Now, I am not claiming that I am fat in the slightest but I could do with living a healthier lifestyle and toning up, there are moments when I feel like I can feel the actual fat coating my heart...not good right?

So, Yesterday I went shopping and bought some healthy treats; actimel, bananas, rocket, watercress and spinach sald, yougurts, chicken, fish.

Which so far is grating on my stomach but I think it's just because of going from eating crips, chicken and bananas or not eating at all to eating actual good stuff for me.

My sister and I have started going for jogs around the park, which has got me pumped to come home to do our Davina DVD!

However, saying all that here I am eating digestive biscuits and drinking chamoille tea whilst working on this and this.

What are your favourite ways to stay healthy?